Lee Child is a remarkable thriller writer who is the creator of the lead character JACK REACHER. Reacher is one of the most enigmatic and imposing characters' in the modern day fiction who is extremely popular.
To tell about Reacher...
The thing about Reacher is he's unlike the typical protagonists' of today.He's nothing like dysfunctional,alcoholic,divorced,tired,gloomy or someone who's had some bad news in the 1900's and trying to revcover from that. Neither he's also the one who always wear 3-piece suits and stroll around the corners inside the skyscrapers. He's simple,but unusual in his own way.An uncomplicated guy.A man who lives by his own approach.
He travels around..exploring the one country he never got to see,are the subject of all 10 Lee Child novels so far, except for one prequel ("The Enemy") which explores a case he undertook as an investigator in the Military Police.
Reacher, A 6foot-5inch Ex-military cop who has served the Army for 13 years and left it has won a lot of medals and honours,was the best then and was also an helluva great investigator.Now,he has no living kinfolk to care for.He's a drifter..loner(noble)....who likes being anonymous, always tries to stay away from trouble,but the irony is that always trobule finds him and he couldnt resist from doing justice to it.
In simple terms .. he's a tough guy who has a heart of gold. He likes to travel light with only his folding tooth brush to carry with.He trashes his clothes once evry 3 days or so and replaces it with a new inexpensive pair.He likes coffee than anything else and also likes to gulp down water too!!!! He doesnt like to stick around at one place for long...and yes he mite compromise his schedule for an extra day if the coffee at the place is delicious!!!
I call him the NOBLE LONER.To the extent which ive read(though i haven't read much)..Really i must say,i adore him more than anyone else in the fiction literature so far. A very likable and laudable character in more ways than one.I guess every one likes to relate with the "noble loner". I feel he's the one on the fiction platform.